Muir Trek is a contemplative experience for a small group of 6-12 adults who wander through a wild place from sunrise to sunset, taking with them a curiosity for life’s marvels and an openness to what will be revealed as the planet turns into the light of its sun-star. Cares and worries, watches and phones are left behind.
Inspired by the writings of the Scottish-American naturalist, John Muir, the trek highlights the qualities of zest, celebration, joy, and adventure, as the participants move slowly through the day seeking its riches rather than its challenges. The only destination is the disappearance of the sun beyond the horizon. The day is accented with leader inputs designed to help the participants probe and deepen their relationship with nature. There is time to wander, to sit and observe, to reflect upon crossing a threshold of human perception and emotion and letting the exhilaration of being alive in the flow of life sweep over everyone. To spend a day’s turning of our planet through the rays of its sun-star, while exploring a little-known natural area which has been given life and form by its energy, represents a delicious respite for most of us. Unfettered time has become one of the most valuable commodities in the world today. Slowing down to marvel at the rich panoply of living things which share our space and time – without labeling them, but just seeing them more clearly; without intellectualizing them, but rather touching them with our hearts; without referencing them in the past, but merely experiencing them in the present – serves to refresh both our sense of being and our joy in being human.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll’s classic tale, Alice fell through a rabbit hole into a strange new world. A Muir Trek is falling through John Muir’s “looking glass” into a lost world of perception and emotion often just outside our own doors. As John Muir expressed it,
“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” (The materials for conducting a Muir Trek, including the Leaders Manual, and record books for the participants, are available only through a special training session, the
Muir Trek Leaders Workshop, described in our current courses for the School of the Earth.)